24 July 2009

Finally Google

Thank you Google for a few things,
(1) I now have google voice
(2) Latitude is on my iphone
(3) The moon is on Google Earth
(4) and hopefully I'll be a beta tester for Google Wave

06 July 2009

Just some tidbits

Just passing along some interesting tidbits I found this weekend, both web related.

(1) Sun is offering a free white paper on cloud computing.  It is, as expected a bit basis towards Sun w/ MySQL, but is does provide a good definition of what cloud computing can and cannot due.  Search the Sun site for "Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture", provide some contact information, then it is free download.

(2) From the Gooogle Earth Blog,, a handy way to share a location, http://www.earthurl.org allows you to create a short URL to a place on Google Earth.  I guess it is a TinyURL for Google Earth, here is an example from D.C.