But before I go to family events, I would like to thank God and the universe, for
- My wife, sole mate, love of my world.
- My daughter, who shows me the wonder of the world, when seen through young eyes.
- My parents and brother and sister and their families.
- My inlaws who are supportive.
- My employer, GeoEye, for the chance to write interesting code, learn new things, and hang out with smart people, while paying me to do it.
- My friends, who get me through the day.
- Google and their suite of software.
- Guido van Rossum and the whole Python community for making programming fun.
- Twitter for listen to the world, without getting up.
- NPR, which does not talk down to me.
- Steven Colbert, because of his fight against the bear invasion :-) (Mr. Colbert, do I win anything for mention you?)
- and especially all those men and women who are now and have in past put themselves in harms way to give me this life.
On these days of thanks, please remember those who server, make a donation to the USO or other organization to help these kids out. They are doing it for you.
Happy Thanksgiving