Be transparent at work
I work in an a geographically dispersed company, and that leads to silos of knowledge and infighting. One way to fight this is to make everything you do available for review by my boss, coworkers, and those at other sites. There are limits, based on security, but still most of what someone does in a company is open to all.
I thought about suggesting this to management, but I think being a living example will sell it better then any sales pitch.
For now, I am thinking of tracking my status and projects on a wiki, and then some on-line project planning tool. For the office, if they implement Office 2010 with its web sported interface, they may work better.
Keep up the diet and exercise
Last fall my wife and I started eating light and exercising. I have lost 25 pounds plus got off one of the meds my doctor put me on. To stay off the med (and avoid its side-effects) the weight has to stay off and I need to lose even more.
I would suggest SparkPeople as a website to help anyone working to lose weight. For me, the daily emails remind me to think about my health and track what eat.
Learn how to sell an idea
I have some ideas, ideas which could help me and my company, but I have a hard time selling these to management. I need to learn how to do this, otherwise 2010 will be as frustrating as 2009.
Improve my own organization
I have made attempts before but have fallen off the organization wagon, so here we go again. I am moving more of my information into the cloud, mainly into Evernote, allowing me to access information from anywhere I have an net connection. My todo list is being organized in toodledo, again to allow me access and reminders from home, the office, and my iPhone.
There are a few more, but are private. I want to be transparent, but still somethings should be held close to the vest. Being transparent is one thing, making others transparent is something different.