Well it was a ugly Sunday, my custom built PC tower decided it had enough. It now likes to restart whenever it feels like it, with very little warning.
So Santa is coming early, and I am switching to a mac. I'd like to give you a long list of why it is better then a PC, but its more likely that it has to do with geek cred more the technical attributes. Actually, I plan to run vmfusion, giving me a way to switch between mac, PC, and the true geek os, linux.
I though about buy a laptop and just installing linux on it, but decided there are some apps I use for school where linux could cause a headache. Someday I'll get an eee or similar, for that native linux feel.
With this crash, the big issue was rescuing my homework, due Tuesday. When I have more time, I plan to use my maddog external drive box, where I can place an internal drive within it and then an use it externally, then snarf up the other stuff.
While it sucks, I did learn a few things
(1) I have a wonderful wife for encouraging me to spend more and go mac, just because I wanted to. (I new this already, but its nice to know she has not changed).
(2) I lost access to MATLAB, but on the alt pc I am using, found that NumPy/Python/IPython can handle the work I need.
(3) Need to find a cloud storage solution besides just emailing zip files around. Not for everything, but for those few critical files. I'd like to find on where I could access the cloud drive just like any other drive. I know they are out there, just have to do some searching.
I just just it proves, you learn from good and bad. I just wish I could learn the problem in my General Least Square solution, for the homework due tomorrow.
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