15 January 2009

Distractions of homework

Well it is Spring of 2009, and my GPS Positioning class has started at Purdue.  It is the first time with this instructor, Dr. van Gelder, so I am at the panic stage trying to figure out what and how he wants his assignments turned in.  So far the homework has been okay, a brief introduction so he knows a bit about the class and small MATLAB program to do 3D rotations.

So I have this little bit of programming to do, (the intro was already email out, as it was due today), so I could sit down get things done.  Well except, I go my 3D Connexion mouse today, and well I do have play with it a bit.  You know to verify it all works and all that.

Also, well to have better integration with the MS Word world I live in, I purchased Apple's iWork09  yesterday, and while it does not support my 3D mouse, it does have lots of pretty template and gee-wiz features to play with.  I did realized shortly after buying iWork, Google Docs or Open Office could be used as well, yet I would not get all the cool templates, then again it was a bit for eye candy.

Well what other distractions are there.  Well have not been in Second Life lately, and hey that support the 3D mouse.  Maybe I should spend some time verify it?  Hmm, well I only watched my Christmas present, Blade Runner, once.  Maybe I should study its awesome lighting a bit more?

Well I did need to update my blog, and well I guess I have almost finished that...  I guess after the Christmas break it is just hard to get into the whole school thing again.  Guess I am lucky that I only one class, well and the place I have go during the day to make money.

Oh can I start complaining about source control, but I did that all day at the office, and guess I do not want to do that again.

Hmm, homework?  Maybe tomorrow.

BTW a 80's nerd note, both  @levarburton  and @brentspiner are twitting now.  If you don't know who they are, well this message is not for you.

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